Major Issues in CFB 25: Gauntlet Glitch, Squads, Objectives, and More

The College Ultimate Team (CUT) mode in EA's college football game has been experiencing a myriad of issues, frustrating players and hampering their overall gaming experience. In this article, we’ll break down the most significant problems that have surfaced, including glitches in the Gauntlet mode, Squad-related bugs, and issues with objectives not tracking correctly. If you're an avid CUT player, here's everything you need to know.

1. The Gauntlet Glitch

One of the most glaring issues affecting players is the Gauntlet mode glitch. Gauntlet, which is supposed to appear every weekend from Friday at 1:30 PM to Monday at 1:30 PM, simply did not show up for a significant number of players. This glitch prevents players from participating in one of the most lucrative in-game modes, where players can earn valuable rewards like the highly coveted James Pierce card, currently selling for over 2 million coins.

Players are not only missing out on coins and valuable cards but also on the unique gameplay experience Gauntlet offers. Even if players pay the 50,000 coins entry fee, they risk getting locked out of the mode due to this glitch. EA has yet to release an official statement on this issue, leaving many frustrated.

2. Squad Connectivity Issues

The Squad mode has also been riddled with bugs, especially regarding cross-platform play. Many players have reported that when trying to join a game with friends on different platforms, the game either freezes or disconnects, making Squad matches nearly impossible to play. This issue significantly detracts from the overall gaming experience, especially for those who rely on Squad matches for competitive gameplay.

3. Objective Tracking Problems

Another major problem plaguing CUT is objective tracking glitches. For instance, the "85+ Overall Set Objective" has been reported as not tracking properly for numerous players. Whether players complete an 85 or 86 overall set, the objective simply doesn’t register, denying them the rewards and XP tied to the task.

This is particularly concerning because XP is essential for leveling up in the game. While there is enough XP available through other means to reach max level, many players find it frustrating that certain objectives are completely bugged and unrewarding.

4. Lack of Solo Content

CUT players are also expressing disappointment with the lack of solo challenges. While some new solo content was added in Season 2, such as "Ultimate Team 201" and "Scheme Trials," the absence of solo challenges tied to new promos like "College Kickoff" and "Game of the Week" is leaving many feeling like there is a lack of fresh content. For a game mode that thrives on both multiplayer and solo content, this is a missed opportunity.

5. Communication Breakdown from EA

Arguably one of the most frustrating aspects for the CUT community is the lack of communication from EA. Content reveals, which are supposed to happen the night before new content drops, are often delayed or even skipped altogether. Moreover, the delays in content drops—sometimes by as much as an hour—further alienate players who are eager to participate in the latest updates.

EA’s radio silence on these matters only exacerbates the problem, as players are left in the dark about potential fixes or future content plans. This lack of transparency has led many content creators and players to voice their frustrations on social media, hoping to get EA's attention.

6. Promo Disappointment

Promotions like "Game of the Week" and "College Kickoff" have also been criticized for offering minimal rewards and no new solo content. The "Game of the Week" promo, for example, gives players little more than a team selection, uniforms, a stadium, and a low-rated player, leaving many wondering why more engaging content isn’t being offered alongside these promos.


In summary, College Ultimate Team is currently plagued by numerous issues that are preventing players from fully enjoying the mode. The Gauntlet glitch, Squad connection problems, objective tracking errors, and lack of solo content are just a few of the many challenges facing CUT players. While the gameplay itself remains enjoyable, these bugs and issues significantly detract from the overall experience. EA needs to address these problems swiftly and communicate more effectively with their player base to keep the game enjoyable and engaging.

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